Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Death of an intolerent ass

Jerry Falwell died.


o w grant said...

I thought the sun was shining just a little bit brighter today!

Anonymous said...

9/11 was all my fault . . .

GayBury said...

Mine too!

Historical Wit said...

How can a person take a religion of love and peace and use it for something so hateful? Now about Pat Robinson....

GayBury said...

I would argue Christianity is not the religion of love and peace. If you follow the tyrannical rules and give them your money, then they love you and won't kill you. Otherwise, you're f*#@ed.

I have a hard time naming any organized religion as loving and peaceful.

o w grant said...

Religion is only as good as the people who practice it. Hateful people will dig for hateful scriptural passages to validate their ugliness.

Loving people see these passages as just an historical element within the entire collection of books that comprise the writings of their faith.

They can embrace the concept of community implicit in the idea of an organized, spiritual entity.

This, of course, holds true for ANY religion, not just Christianity.

Anonymous said...