Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Real Problem with the "War on Terror"

Deception. That is the biggest problem with the War. Deception from the very beginning. WMDs, connection to Osama bin Laden (still free to roam, probably lives in Miami), and they are going to attack the U.S. at any moment. Then there are no WMDs, there is no way bin Laden would have had anything to do them, and their most powerful weapon travelled 96 miles. So, with no navy, the Iraqis would have had to park a vessel in the Chesapeake Bay to cause any damage. One could argue that they could board commercial airplanes and attack us, but none of those guys were Iraqis, were they?

GWB has argued for years that he was a bad man, a dictator of the worst kind. Well, if that's our goal, to bring democracy to these nations ruled by dictators, we have a long road ahead of us. Here's the list:

List One: the most repressive nations and territories-
Burma- Chechnya, a disputed territory controlled by Russia- Cuba- Libya- North Korea- Somalia- Sudan- Tibet, a disputed territory controlled by China- Turkmenistan- Uzbekistan
List Two: all other nations and territories judged not free-
Algeria- Angola- Azerbaijan- Belarus- Bhutan- Brunei- Cambodia- Cameroon- Chad- China- Congo (Brazzaville)- Congo (Kinshasa)- Cote d'Ivoire- Egypt- Equatorial Guinea - Eritrea- Guinea- Iran- Israeli-occupied disputed territories- Kashmir, the portion of the disputed territory controlled by Pakistan- Kazakhstan- Kosovo, a disputed territory controlled by Serbia- Laos- Maldives- Oman- Pakistan- Qatar- Russia- Rwanda- Saudi Arabia - Swaziland- Syria- Tajikistan- Thailand- Togo- Transnistria, a disputed territory controlled by Moldova- Tunisia- United Arab Emirates- Vietnam - Western Sahara, a disputed territory controlled by Morocco- Zimbabwe

That's a lot of people that need our help. We better get started.

Yesterday, in a speech to Coast Guard graduates, GWB said that Iraq is the control center for all Al-qaeda. All of the rest of the world says it is Pakistan. After 6 years of absolute deception and lies, I don't believe the President of the most powerful country in the world. And his intelligence (As soon as he says intelligence sources, I roll my eyes. He manipulated them to go to War when he actually was backed by the country. Let alone what he will do when he is desperate for support.) stated that bin Laden was masterminding another attack on American soil. No dates when this 'intelligence' was gathered. Another FEAR tactic for a man that has really screwed up and needs support from anywhere he can get it.

So, the real problem with this war is: "We don't believe you, Mr. President. We just don't believe you." He has lost all credibility through deceptions, missteps and hiring then backing really raunchy people (Wolfowitz, Gonzales, Libby . . .) when they flail.

A couple more points, then I will quit ranting.

Why can't we put ourselves in others' shoes? A lot of people in this world think GWB is very dangerous. (Including myself. He's a moron with a lot of power and that's dangerous.) So, they decide to attack our country and get rid of this awful leader to 'save us.' Much like we did to the Iraqis. Do you think we would all just rush out and thank them? Or would we get out our hunting rifles and start defending ourselves? I would. I would make my little house a fortress and shoot. Much like the Iraqis are doing. GWB assumed this country wanted to be saved by us. They didn't. Not like this anyway.

Lastly, in his Gettysburg address, Abe Lincoln stated, "For the people, by the people." Not "thanks for your input citizens, but I am going to do it this way." Over 65% of this country wants our soldiers out of there. That means, a real leader finds a way to do it. He is not listening to the people. Could it be that we have a rogue dictator, right here at home? He is doing his own agenda regardless of what the people want. He is creating a dictatorship right here in U.S.A. by igoring the people. Seems to me we have a republic right here that could use some ethical and humble leadership - a regime change if you will.

GWB is wrong and has been wrong for 7 years now. And, Mr. President, we don't believe you anymore.


Anonymous said...

Well said. I run Crablaw Maryland Weekly and extend you cordial greetings from across the Bay - Best, Bruce

o w grant said...

I know this is not the topic, but I recieved this email just this morning:

Hi there Zoo friends,

The Salisbury Zoo needs your help. Two City Council members (Terry Cohen &
Debbie Campbell) are proposing significant budget cuts to your zoo. These cuts
would be detrimental to Zoo operations and would cause 5 (out of only 14) zoo
staff members to lose their jobs. The Zoo Education Department and the Animal
Department would effectively be cut 50% - and there is no way the Zoo could
continue to serve the community in the wonderful way that it has for the last
53 years. Please make your voices heard! We need your support! The information
below, from Zoo Director Jim Rapp, gives more detail about the proposed cuts
and what you can do to help. Please share this information with everyone you
know. It would be great for all of our partners - young and old - to make a
statement, so please share this with colleagues, students, children, friends,

We know you love the zoo - it's free and accessible to everyone in our
community, and it's top-notch - accredited by the Association of Zoos and
Aquariums... and we want to keep it that way - it's one of the things that
makes our town great. Please contact City Council members (contact information
is below), send letters to the editor (eamil to, send
comments to the Grapevine'(telephone 410.749.7171 x 333 or fax 410.749.7290) -
get the word out however you can...

Thank you for your support!

Carrie Samis
Education Curator
410.546.3440 x 5
In today's Daily Times, there is an article about Debbie Campbell and Terry
Cohen's proposed $3 million cuts to the City budget. Yesterday, Campbell &
Cohen released details of their proposed $1.4 million in cuts from the City's
general fund. They have proposed $326,119 in cuts to the zoo's operational

These cuts represent:

Zoo Curator (Gary Muir)
Zoo Eduication Curator (Carrie Samis)
Three Zookeeper positions (3 of 6 staff, could be Ann Konopik, Dave
Williamson, Dan Ciancitto, Joy Gibson-McIntire, Christianna Fry or Debbie
.and $152,388 in cuts to maintenance accounts, training, increases &
benefits, etc.

This is completely unacceptable. These cuts will ruin the Zoo that you and I
have built together with our investment of time, money, and love for our
animals and our community.

I have spoken with Zoo Commission Chairman Ron Alessi, and we have agreed to
the following. Please do everything you can to help:

1. Contact Debbie Cambell and Terry Cohen and let them know how you feel about
your Zoo. It doesn't matter if you are a City taxpayer or not - you are an
investor in this Zoo, and you want to see your investment supported by the
owners, the City of Salisbury. You all work very hard to bring additional
resources to the Zoo to match the City's support. Campbell & Cohen want to
eliminate the Education Curator position - that is position is funded through
a grant from the MD State Department of Education, two endowments at the
Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, special events, and program fees.
This Zoo is the heart & soul of this City. Campbell & Cohen use the term "non-
essential" to refer to this Zoo: how does that make you feel?

Please forward this e-mail to your friends, neighbors, and family. Contact
Campbell & Cohen at:

Deborah S. Campbell
809 Camden Ave
Salisbury, MD 21801
Home: 410-860-0893

Terry E. Cohen
536 Druid Hill Avenue
Salisbury, MD 21801
Home: 410-845-0296

2. We will be issuing a press release today to explain the impact of these
lethal cuts in funding to the Zoo. I will forward this press release to you as
soon as it is ready for distribution.

3. Make your voice heard at the next City Council budget meeting on Tuesday,
May 29 in the City Council Chambers of the City/County Government Building. We
need a strong presence - bring your friends, your children, and your passion
for your Zoo.

Attached are the Daily Times article, and Campbell & Cohen's proposed cuts.

Jim Rapp, Director
Salisbury Zoo
P.O. Box 2979
Salisbury, MD 21802
(410) 548-3116 ext. 6

o w grant said...

By the way, how was bingo night? I didn't get to go up. I hope there was a great turn out for such a good cause.